Monday, September 22, 2008

Wheel & Axle Experiment

WALT... make a windmill to understand how a wheel and axle work
... follow instructions carefully
... experiment with changing the size of the windmill and/or type of paper used
... write up experiment using correct format as modelled
Today we made a windmill to help us understand how wheel-and-axle machines work.
Question: How does a wheel and axle work?
Prediction:I think that...
Materials: Windmill template (2 sizes), pencil or hole punch,scissors, strew, small child made paper cup, piece of string (51cm) and 2 rubber bands
1. Make up windmill by following instructions on sheet. Make hole in through centre circle.
2. Insert straw through the centre hole.
3. Fold each corner along dotted line. Insert straw through each hole. Slide the windmill to the centre of the straw
4. Wrap a rubber band around the straw on each side of the windmill to keep it in place.
5. Punch 2 holes on either side of the cup you have made. Thread one end of string through both holes and tie it to the middle of the string. Tie the other end of the string to one end of the straw.
6. Hole the straw with both hands. Blow the windmill
The windmill turned and the straw turned around too. This wound the string and lifted the cup. We needed to make sure that the windmill and straw moved together as one and that the string didn't slip as the straw turned.

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