Saturday, February 28, 2009

Charlotte's Web

We are reading this novel in class.
Check out this site. It has lots of fun and games as well as information about the author E.B. White. Take the quiz as well

Conserve Earth's Resources

The things YOU do can be a BIG help!
This week go to this site and select from the 'counting and number' activities

Reusing in Room Ten

We plan to use Voice Thread this year so this is a trial run. Next time we will record our comments rather than type them in so tune in soon! Click on the arrow to start and make sure you read the comments. they will appear on the left side above the timer.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Today, Simon from Wastebusters, completed our Reusing unit. We made desk tidies and money boxes from different containers, boxes and materials from home. What fun we had! Look at some of our creations

BubbleShare: Share photos - Easy Photo Sharing

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Restorative Justice

What Is Restorative Justice?

This year we are using this as a strategy to manage behaviour and empower our teachers and students. It is based on Daniel Goleman's emotional intelligence model. We want our children to ...

  • Be aware of and manage difficult feelings
  • Motivate themselves
  • Recognise the feelings of others and understand the effect of their behaviour on others
  • Get along with others

Think relationships, not just the rule and the consequence when thinking about Restorative Justice

  • The purpose is to help the student understand the effect of their behaviour on relationships (empathy)
  • It provides a method of accountability and repair to those relationships
  • It helps build the needed skills for better behaviour

Upper Clutha Smimming Sports

Picasso Portraits

Pablo Picasso was a Spanish artist who revolutionized painting, drawing, sculpture, and ceramics. He truly changed the way people think about Art.
Learn more about Picasso by clicking on the painting of 'Child with a Dove'1901
Picasso once said...
"All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up." Quote from Pablo Picasso

Click on the portrait to visit Mr Picasso Head and create your own Picasso portrait and add to the gallery

We used works like this one to provide us with ideas and inspiration

This is another of Picasso's paintings called 'Girl in a Mirror'

Here are some of our creative questions...
1. What style does he use? Why do you think he uses the colors
he does?
2. How could he rearrange the faces to look interesting or silly?
3. Do you see any sort of pattern that he seems to use in his paintings?
4. Why do you think Picasso chose to represent his figures in this manner?

For our first lessons we used a pencil to do lots of sketches of faces. We had to sketch looking at the person for 35, 30, 25, 20 seconds at a time. We had to look at the face rather than the paper and try to not lift our pencil. This was really hard but we got better with each practise session.
We then used chalk to draw the face profiles starting in the middle of the page. The next step was to draw the other face so that there are two faces. We went over these chalk lines with black pastel. Next we drew in the forehead, mouth and chin, leaving the neck till later. On the face we drew an eye facing towards us The mouth is where we joined the two faces. This was also where we saw how the two faces fitted together. We drew hair, neck and shoulders.

Then the fun part started. We began using pastels to colour one side of the face with one colour then chose a different color for the other side. We learnt to layer pastel and colour with a light pastel then cover with a dark pastel.

We found out that the oil pastel should be applied heavily. We also found out that with heavy pastel it is easy to scratch off the top layer later on,

Once the entire page is coloured, For the final step we used black Indian ink to go over the black lines again and to add eye lashes and other smaller features we wanted to stand out.

Here are some photos of one of our session. We will show you our artworks next week.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Numeracy Games

Take the colour quiz by answering basic addition facts. See how fast you can go!

Subtract the number and click on the correct answer.

Click on the image.
Drag different numbers into each circle so each line adds up to the total shown.

Arrow Cards Game
Drag the correct arrow to make the number

Setting Goals

This week we have been learning more about goal setting and goal getting.

Goals tell you where we are going, how we are going to get there and what we will do when we get there. When we’ve reached a goal we need to give ourselves a pat on the back. We can have all kinds of goals with different timeframes. We can make daily goals, like “today I am going to spend an extra half hour practising my throwing and catching skills for PE; OR we can make weekly goals, like “this week I am going to do most of my homefun BEFORE it is due’; OR a big whopping yearly goal, like ‘this year I am going to win an award at rugby prizegiving.” Setting goals – big or small – helps keep us focused on what we want to achieve.

The ‘how to’ part is really important. If we say, “I am going to be a famous singer’ then sit around and wait for it to happen, then we might be disappointed. We need to make sure we spend time on the ‘how to’ – the steps we’re going to take to make a dream a reality – and we WILL succeed!

Goal Setters and Goal Getters

There are all kinds of goals, from small ones to really big ones.

1. Write down a goal or goals you have set for yourself

2. Write down the steps youve planned to reach your goal or goals

3. Write down a goal you have achieved in the past

4. Write about how you reached the goal the hardest and easiest bits


Enviro News

Simon from Wastebusters was in today to teach us about ‘Reusing’. He is teaching us about sustainability. Simon is here for the rest of the week. We need to make less packaging and to help save the Earth’s natural resources. We can do this by reusing things. Reusing means to use things again and again. This helps to keep valuable resources from being put in the rubbish bin and ending up in a landfill.

If you have any plastic bottles, ice cream containers, steel cans, or any other suitable packaging, please send to school by Friday as we are making a piggy bank or desk tidy out of packaging. There are 3 rules – nothing new, no glass and to bring only what we need to school.
Say NO to plastic bags!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Numeracy Games (Addition & Subtraction) Games

Ordering & comparing numbers

Ordering Numbers

Ten more than

Dino Place Value

Add using 'Froggy Hops'

Make your own insect or spider

Make your own spider or insect using the information you learned last week. Click on the spider to enter the site

The Bottle

I picked up the bottle washed up on the beach. The writing on it was tattered like the crumpled edge of paper. There was a scratched word in big red letters. POISON. My head swooped back. A greenish colour was glowing right at the bright sunlight. I felt I had to do something so ... I twisted the tooth-marked cork open and inside was a dark purple liquid rumbling. I put my finger in the liquid and it started to change into rainbow colours.
By Gregor (aged 8 years)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Did You Know

Did you know that there are many different types of spider webs. Visit this site to see all the different types. I never knew there were this many. Wow! I love learning new things and learning how to access information using the web. How about you?

Click on the spider web and enter the Spider Room.

You are a spider living in a special environment. You have a favorite prey. What web would you use to "catch dinner?"
Use your spider skills and pick the web that will best trap the spider's prey in its habitat!

Spider Webs

WALT... sequence a series of pictures to create a flow chart of how spiders spin webs

Click on this amazing photo of a spider's web to view the steps on how a circular web is constructed

Here are some photos from this site on how it is made. See if you can draw one or make one!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Comparing insects and spiders

WALT... compare insects and spiders using text and diagrams
Today we used diagrams of a spider and insect and two paragraphs of information to help us find similarities and differences between insects and spiders. We found out that the main difference is that spiders have two body parts and insects have three. We also found out that insects have six legs and spiders have eight. Spiders can't fly but many insects can. Spiders have spinnerets which they use to make silk to spin webs. They release a silk dragline from their spinnerets to keep them attached to their webs. Some spiders can bungee jump up to 40 times their body length, then climb right back up the thin, strong-as-steel silk cord. Both insects and spiders are arthropods which means they have no back bone and have jointed legs. We also found out that the scientific name for a spider is an arachnid.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Room Ten Times

Issue 2 of our Room Ten Times has been added here and to the side bar under Class Newspaper. Check it out.

Max's Mum found this great site for you to try

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Spider Games and Activites

Play the 'Spider Memory Game', 'Connect the Dots' or 'Spider Hangman'. Click on the spiders to play.

Dazzling Description!

The spider carried on twisting and turning with shiny silk streaming out of its body. A black hairy fly flashed past. I saw it smash into the gleaming web.
By Ngaio (aged 7 years)

Hot Writing about Lake Wanaka!

I was gazing at the mirror-like lake with its sparkles like emeralds and diamonds. The sun was glistening on the lake's surface and leaves were floating on the top. There was a battle ground of ducks swimming around.
Dara (aged 7 years)

Homefun Sheets

I have put the homefun sheets in the sidebar for next week (Week 3). Hard copy of homefun goes out on Monday and needs to be completed and handed in by Friday. Because we are focusing on the key competency of self-management this term, I would like to see all children manging their homefun themselves, that is the completing and handing in on time. This would also mean that they self-managed the presentation. They might also self-manage their time and organisation eg some might complete the written part in one night others may do a little each night of the week. Basic facts, reading and Sounds Alive (spelling) are compulsory each night. The extra at the end is optional. This week there is a life-cycle activity about frogs because we will be looking at the life cycle of a spider in class.

Monday, February 9, 2009

PE - Just Add Water!

We have just started swimming lessons. Swimming is an essential life skill especially because we are surrounded by lakes and rivers.

Shenee's Swimming Lesson

Shenee is trying hard to put her head under and blow bubbles.
Watch out for her story tomorrow.

Poisonous Spiders

Sue asked a question
Do you have any poisonous spiders in NZ?
Yes we do. They are the Katipo, Red-back and White-tailed spiders.
Check out this website

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Room Ten News

Spider's Lunch

Sneakily, the fat hairy spider silently crawled through the undergrowth. There lying in front of him was a fat juicy fly. The spider was ready to pounce. He did it and the fly was all his. He chewed with venomous teeth. Now he is ready for another fat, juicy fly.
By Jake
Year 4

Poem s- Spider s

The Spider Poem

Spiders are not insects
Spiders have eight legs.
Spiders have four pairs of eyes
Spiders hatch from eggs!
Spider webs are sticky

Spiders weave them tight
Spiders spin that silky string
Spiders weave webs right!


Spiderlings hatch from eggs.
Each one has eight tiny legs.
A spider has more eyes than you.
Most have eight, and you have two.
A spider has two body parts.
Across its web it quickly darts.
From a spider's spinnerets
Sticky spider silk jets.
Spiders feel the frantic tugs,
Of their favourite food; it's bugs!

by Janet Bruno

Spider Webs

The spider weaves a sticky web
To capture bugs to eat.
What keeps the spider's sticky web
From sticking to her feet?
Spider webs are very tricky
Because not all the strands are sticky.
Unlike the passing hapless fly,
The spider knows which strands are dry.
But if she accidentally stands
Upon one of the sticky strands,
She still would not get stuck, you see--
Her oily body slides off free.

By Amy Goldman Koss

Watch this video of a spider spinning a web

What questions do you have?
Bring them along to school so you can add them to your KWHL chart.

What is a KWHL chart?

A KWHL chart should be used before, during, and after a student reads about a new topic. Filling out this chart prepares a student for reading about a topic, helps in reviewing what has been learned about the material, gives help in obtaining more information, and gets the student ready to write about what they've learned.

K = What I Know
W = What I Want to Know (questions)
H = How will I find information? (Which resources, web pages, texts, etc.)
L = What I learned

Can you solve the jigsaw puzzle?

Get hooked into spiders by being picture smart!

Click to Mix and Solve

Friday, February 6, 2009

What is Waitangi Day?

Waitangi Day is a significant day in the history of New Zealand. It is a public holiday held each year on 6 February to celebrate the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, New Zealand's founding document, on that date in 1840. (Wikipedia 2009). Click on the photos to find out more. We are learning more about the Treaty of Waitangi and its importance to NZ. We found out that a treat is an agreement signed by two or more peoples or countries. We are going to write our own class treaty next week so watch out for it. We read 'The Tree Hut Treaty ' by Wiremu Grace and Bruce Potter. Another book we read was The Treaty= Te Tiriti by Mere Whaanga and Liz Hunkin. We also looked at how we are all members of groups and drew a picture of a group we belong to.

Create a Graph

I was asked what the web site was for creating a graph. Click on the website heading to find it.