Tuesday, March 24, 2009

  • understand why the Maori culture has Myths
  • retell 'Maui and The Sun' orally to a partner
  • write a retell of 'Maui and the Sun'
Today we read a Maori Myth called Maui and the Sun. We read several versions of the same story. We noticed that they had the same message but used different language to retell the myth.
We learned that a myth is a story that explains a natural phenomenon in a creative way, such as how the sun moves through the sky. Myths, which often include gods and goddesses and other supernatural characters who have the power to make extraordinary things happen, are popular even when people know the actual reasons for natural phenomena. The Maori people used to tell these stories orally as their society was traditionally an oral one. There is a long tradition of singing and storytelling. History is passed on through the many stories that are passed on from generation to generation. This is done with song, dance and chants.
We also learned about why the Maori people have Myths.
Here are some reasons...
  • To strengthen a community and provide a common understanding
  • Moral guidance eg some show how greed, stupidity and dishonesty effected people
  • To explain how the world works, for example why the seasons change, and to explain strange happenings or phenomena such as eclipses - the reasons for which were unknown in early times.
  • To entertain as no TV and books around to amuse people
  • To pass on history and knowledge
  • For fame, money and recognition - not all stories were told for good reasons eg stories about battles or wars could be written to make the character more brave than they really were
Read How Maui Slowed the Sun
Then complete the crossword at wicKED
Print it off and glue it into your homefun book.

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