Monday, March 16, 2009

The Signs, Symbols and Myths of the Maori

Our new inquiry for the rest of the term is 'The Signs, Symbols and Myths of the Maori'. It has a links to Technology, Social Sciences, English and The Arts. We hope to make lots of connections between these areas and to our lives. The Principles, Values and Key Competencies have been infused through this unit allowing us to make more connections. Today we looked at our knowledge of the Maori culture and people. We did not have a broad enough base from which to build our thinking so we will be doing lots of exploring over the next week, looking at Myths and Legends of the Maori, art of the Maori people and exploring the many signs and symbols from Maori culture.

Today we looked at the words - communication, signs, symbols. This is what we found out...

COMMUNICATION is the passing on of news, information, messages, stories etc to other people.

A SIGN is anything written, drawn or done to tell or show people something

A SYMBOL is a thing that represents or suggests something.

We brainstormed to list all the signs and symbols we could think of which belong to the Maori culture. We will add to this list as the unit goes on.

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