Monday, December 8, 2008

Biotechnology - Yoghurt

We looked up the definitions of these words in the dictionary and on line.

bacteria, texture, denature, coagulate, custardy, metabolism, ferment, lactic acid, by-product, one-celled organism, acidic, yoghurt

bacteria - single celled organism (can be harmful or helpful)
texture - the feel or look of something eg yoghurt has a smooth texture
denature -
to change the nature or natural qualities of. To make it unfit to eat or drink without destroying it
coagulate - change from liquid to solid
custardy - having a custard-like taste
metabolism - The chemical changes that take place in a cell or an organism that produce energy
ferment -something, such as a yeast, bacteria, mould, or enzyme, that causes fermentation (of sugar to carbon dioxide and alcohol by yeast)
lactic acid -
a colorless liquid produced as milk sugar ferments and milk sours
by-product - something produced in the making of something else
one-celled organism - a
a living thing with one cell that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently
acidic - being sour in taste
yoghurt -
An easily digested fermented milk product

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