Friday, August 15, 2008

Materials - Weaving

Today we began our weaving unit by finding out about weaving and the words used in weaving,. We also viewd some examples of children's work and also some NZ's artists work.

... view a range of weaving
... use weaving words such as loom, weft, warp
...understand and use the "under, over" technique of weaving
... use what we learnt about materials & fibres last week when talking about the materials we use use
.. create a woven art piece using a variety of man-made and natural materials, contrasting colours, and patterns
... discuss our art works and give feedback and feed forward
What is weaving?
Weaving means to make cloth and other objects. Threads or strands of material are passed under and over each other. Weavers use threads spun from natural fibres like cotton, silk, and wool and man-made fibres such as nylon and orlon. But thin, narrow strips of almost any flexible material can be woven. People learned to weave thousands of years ago using natural grasses, leafstalks, palm leaves, and thin strips of wood.

We need lots of materials for our weaving later in the week. If you have any bright fabric, wool, lace, ribbon, buttons, beads, and any other textiles that might be suitable for weaving we would appreciate them. Also if you can help your child to collect some natural materials such as bark, flax, sheep wool, toi toi leave etc we could use we would love those too.
We are going to make our looms on Monday using card and wool so watch this space!

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