Friday, August 22, 2008

Home Fun - Time Machines

This was our task...

Time Machine Project
Part 1: Draw a time machine.
Imagine you are a scientist.
You have just invented a time machine – well done! Now draw a diagram of your time machine. Use labels to show the details. Draw a diagram of the inside and the outside. Make it as colourful as you can.
What types of noises do the buttons make when you press them? Are there any flashing lights?
Do you need to write some instructions on how to use the time machine?
What will you call your time machine? I might call mine “Miss Mrs McCambridge’s Machine of Mystery”
Are there any special features of your time machine?


Room 10 said...

Hi Room 10!

We love your Blog and we really liked looking at your fantastic time machines. We can't wait to create our own Blog to share.
We would really like to keep in touch with you.

Room 10 GSNS (George Street Normal School)

KG said...

Every time I visit your blog I am so excited to see how much learning is going on and how much fun you are all having learning new skills and knowledge. Your time machines look fantastic, and you completed this activity in your own time, I am very impressed. Home fun is exactly what it says it is FUN.