Friday, June 27, 2008

Olympic Day Walk

After postponement on Tuesday, we walked Mt Iron. We left school at 10.00am and returned around 1.00. Mt Iron is a very steep walk. We walked 2 km to Mt Iron (4.5 km) and then the 2km return to school, a total of 8.5 km. There were no moans and lots of happy children.

Mount Iron is an impressive, glacier carved, rocky knoll that rises nearly 250 metres above the surrounding countryside. As a result, from the summit there are excellent 360-degree views of the The Pisa range, the Upper Clutha Basin, Lake Wanaka and the Southern Alps/Kā Tiritiri o te Moana.

The track begins over the stile by the carpark and taking the left fork, climbs through low kānuka shrubland on Mount Iron's Western side to the summit. After taking in the view and the information on the panels, follow the track to descend on the eastern side and return round the foot of the hill to the carpark.

Enjoy viewing some of our Olympic Day Walk.

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