Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Magic Box

I will put in my box …
The tune from a harp in a princess’s castle.
A picture of the famous artist Picasso.
Magic necklaces from the deepest parts of the sea.
I will put in my box…..
Five beautiful diamonds from under the ground.
Four big bumble bees that will not sting.
Six white horses from the farm that I use to live on.
My box is made out of silver and gold from a treasure chest.
My box is made from a pretty feathers, from a pretty bird.
I will fly to the other side of the world and say hi, then I will swim to New Plymouth and stay with my Nana for a couple of nights. I will take a ferry to Christchurch, then a car to Wanaka.
By Ella Landreth

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