Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Olympic Flag

This is what we learned today...

  • The Olympic rings are a symbol of the Olympics

  • There are five interlacing rings

  • The colours of the rings are blue, yellow, black, green, and red on a white background

  • The colours were chosen because at least one of these five colours is found on the flag of every nation

  • The rings are interlocked to show friendship among the nations

  • The rings represent the 5 main land areas of the world (continents) - Asia, America, Europe, Africa and Australia

  • The Olympic motto is Citius, Altius, Fortius. This means Faster, Higher, Stronger in Latin
Tomorrow we are going to get into groups of 5 to make the rings by interlocking our arms, forming a circle, so that we can experience how the rings interlock and unite us.

Then we are going to make up a short dance. Our starting position will be a ring, then move outwards and around, twisting and turning, then coming back to our starting positions.

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