Monday, March 8, 2010

Making Crystals

The reason we grew crystals was to see how liquids can be changed into solids. And these ones could be eaten because they were made of sugar!
We have a lot of children wanting to make these at home so here are our instructions.

In a pot, heat at least three cups of sugar together with one cup of water. I know it seems like a lot of sugar, but you want to dissolve as much sugar as possible into the water. While stirring, bring the sugar solution to a boil. Remove the pan from heat and, if you want, add a few drops of food colouring.

While the sugar solution is cooling, get a jar ready for growing the crystals. Hang a string or popsicle stick into a glass or jar. Don't let the string or stick touch the sides or bottom of the container. Pour the sugar solution into your jar. Grow your crystals somewhere they won't be disturbed. Crystals will start growing in a day or two.

Be patient - crystals will form as the water evaporates. If you see crystals growing on the top of the container, break them off and eat them or throw them away. If crystals start to grow on the sides or bottom of the container, just transfer the crystals and crystal solution to a clean glass or jar.

1 comment:

WPS Tipuranga Room 13 said...

That looks like lots of fun Room 10. YUM! What a fun topic to learn about :) - Raewyn