Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Healthy Eating Games

SugaBeat Princess

Alf Alpha

Unmuddle The Meals Game
In this game you'll need to drag the ingredients from each meal to the right food group.

Alisha and Ronnie

Help Alisha and Ronnie plan a balanced diet for a day.

Be a Breakfast Brainbox
Choose two foods and a drink for breakfast and find out how Ken the Leek rates your choice. Answer the questions as you play to see if you’re a breakfast brainbox too!

Make A Balanced Plate Game
Do you know your food groups? Simply drag the food as they appear to the right part of the plate. Moving the cursor over the different coloured parts of the plate should show the name of each food group. Good luck!

Healthy Lunchbox Game
Can you make a healthy lunchbox? Simply drag the food you think is healthy onto the chopping board to see if it's balanced. Have fun!

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