Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Golden cheddar cheese drizzled of the triangular shapes of dough. The smell of pineapple wafted off the top. The first bite my teeth sinking into the ham, pineapple, cheese and the rich red tomato sauce. Steam rose off the top like pasta swirls. My finger tips wanted to be licked by my saliva filled tongue. My mouth watered with delight.
Hayley (year 4)

The Haunted Castle

Mutilated figures made shadows on the walls where enemies with eight legs were crawling. I heard a ghost’s voice that resounded with a scary echo then I saw that the window was open. First of all I thought there was mosquito nets , so I climbed the ladder ……ahhhhhhhhh one thousand black and white things scurried to my pale hands. I screamed and jumped off the ladder and ran out the door without stopping , I puffed , my nightmare was over!
By Cara Busse (Year 3)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

School Days: Old and New

Last term the whole school 's inquiry was about how schools have changed over time. This was especially relevant with our shift to our new school site. We had a great day dressing up in clothes from the olden days. Teachers and children all got dressed up. Here are some photos.

New School Website

Click on the header to view our new website.

Photos of Our New School