Whaea Marianne is teaching us how to present our mihi. We have made a book to help us remember it and to refer to if we get stuck. Over the next few weeks we will all present these to the class. We will record some of these and podcast them for you to listen to.
Tēnā koutou katoa!
Greetings to you all
Ko (name) toku ingoa.
My name is…
(age) oku tau
My age is (your age).
No (place where you live) ahau.
I live at…
Ko (mum's name) toku māmā.
My mother's name is...
Ko ( Dad's name) toku pāpā.
My Dad's name is ...
Ko (Grandfather's name) toku koro.
My Grandfather's name is...
Ko (Grandmother's name) toku kuia.
My Grandmother's name is ...
Ko (brother's name) toku tungane.
My brother's name is ...
Ko ( sisters name) toku tuahine.
My sister's name is...
This is our nga mihi self assessment criteria...
I can name an audience for my mihi.
I was able to speak to a big audience.
I was able to introduce myself in Te Reo.
I was able to name my parents in Te Reo.
I was able to introduce my brothers/sisters in Te Reo.
I was able to introduce my grandmother/grandfather in Te Reo.
I was able to retell the mihi in English.
I spoke clearly so others could understand.
I spoke loud enough for others to hear.
I felt proud of myself.
Next time I would...