Sunday, June 23, 2013

Layton's Qantas Plane

Procedural Writing

Last week we began to write instructions about something we know how to make well.  This week we are writing recipes.

How to make a Paper Snowflake

Paper plate
1.  Draw carefully around the paper plate onto the paper.

2. Cut out the circle shape you have made. 

3.  Fold the circle shape in half .

4.  Fold it into quarters, so it looks like this triangle.

5.  Cut out small shapes along each edge. 

6.  Unfold your paper when you think you have finished.

Success Criteria Procedural Writing

·        Write a goal/title  e.g. How to Make Toast
·        List all the materials, ingredients, tools and equipment
·        Write the steps with doing words (verbs) at the beginning e.g. Add, Put, Turn,  Pour, Wait
·        Number each step
·        Put the steps in the order they happen
·        Include all the steps needed
·        Use topic words ( eg jam, toast, toaster, butter)
·        Add a picture to help the readers understand  better
·        Try hard words in the margin
·        Make sure all capitals & full stops are confirmed
·      Check my work (proof-read)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Water Cycle Games to Play

Nga Tae

whero is red
karaka is orange
kowhai is yellow
kakariki is green
kikorangi is blue
tawa and poroporo are purple
ma whero is pink
kiwikiwi is  grey
parauri is brown
pango and mangu areblack

by Scarlett

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Our Success Criteria for Narratives

We looked at lots of narratives, such as fairy tales, fables, legends and a few narratives written by children throughout the world.  We discussed what makes a narrative and then came up with our own success criteria,
Success Criteria: Narratives
I can…
Use capital letters and full stops
Join sentences using conjunctions eg but, and, then, so, when
Use strong adjectives, verbs & adverbs to give extra information and make my work interesting
Use some speaking in my narrative (only when it is needed)
Introduce your story (orientation) Why? Where? When?
Write the events in order
Start and end my narrative using story language eg.  Long ago,  At last…
Use connectives for time to join events together eg First, Later, Then, Next, 
Build up excitement  (have a problem & resolution)
Use long and short sentences (short ones for effect)
Sometimes I can…
Use other punctuation eg exclamation & question marks, commas, speech marks
Use lots of different kinds of sentences eg simple and complex sentences
Begin my sentences in lots of different ways
Use paragraphs
Create suspense by using scary description and adverbs eg suddenly

Layton's Black Air NZ Plane

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Layton's Computer Art

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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Smarties Reading Group's Haiku Poems

Steaming and roaring
Hot red and orange lava
Rarely exploding!

                      By Scarlett

rumbling and steaming
squirting lava and rock balls
the ground is shaking
by Roman

Lava is red hot,
It can erupt anytime,
Volcanoes are bright.
by Layton

Volcanoes are cool
                              They can burn furiously
                                Roaring like a dragon
by Kaia

loudly erupting
when it's asleep it hisses
lava exploding
by Jazz

Volcanoes explode
and burn everything around
Volcanoes are hot.
by Jamie

Roaring like a dragon
Lava, steam, ash all around
Volcanoes are cool.
by Hayley

Loudly erupting
Boom goes the big volcano
About to erupt.
by Kate

Volcanoes explode,
Volcanoes burn you to death,
Poisonous smoke fumes.
by Brooke

Multiplication games to help you learn your times tables

Times Table Practice

Click to play times table games

Times Table Practice.  See how fast you can go!

Our Questions

We asked lots of open-ended questions about clouds...

Here are some of them.
How are clouds made?
How many different types of clouds are there?
What are clouds made of?
Why are clouds white?
Why are some clouds black?
What is a cloud?
Why do they float?
How does the water drops get into the cloud?
What is water vapour and how is it made?
How did the clouds get their names?
What makes the clouds let out the rain?
Why do the clouds move?

How do Clouds Form?

Types of Clouds

Click to learn more and play cloud games

Different clouds can be seen at different levels in the sky

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Personalised Learning

This year we  are a personalised learning pod.  This means that the children in the four home rooms move to different groups within the pod for spelling, reading, writing, numeracy/mathematics and inquiry/connected learning. 

Personalised learning is all about  tailoring teaching and learning to individual needs and is essential in helping children to achieve the best possible progress and outcomes. It is critical in raising standards and narrowing  gaps that exist between different groups of pupils.  The pedagogy of personalisation is distinguished by the way it expects all children to reach or exceed national expectations, to fulfil their early promise and develop latent potential. 

Planning for progression and differentiation are fundamental. High expectations of progress apply equally to children and young people working above, at, or below age-related expectations, including those who have been identified as having special educational needs. 

There is an expectation of participation, fulfilment and success; and teaching and learning is characterised by tailored objectives, challenging personal goals, rapid intervention to keep pupils on trajectory and rigorous assessment to check and maintain pupil progress.

We use formative assessment (both oral & written) to ...
To praise or build confidence
To pose questions
To establish a dialogue
To correct an error
To challenge and extend thinking

To clarify thinking or suggest a new approach

There are 5 main parts of personalisation...

  1. Learning how to learn ( helping the children to develop a repertoire of learning skills to support development as self-directed learners)
  2. Assessment for learning (using a range of assessment that engages the learner e.g. self and peer)
  3. Teaching and learning strategies ( wide range of teaching & learning strategies  with both students & teachers making informed decisions about what strategy to use and when)
  4. Curriculum choice (opportunities to develop individual pathways that develop skills rather than just knowledge)
  5. Mentoring and support ( 1:1 relationship with home class teacher and other teachers within the pod and a wide range of peer support )

We watched these videos...


We are learning about clouds.